3 x nursery tank with Ø12m, 1.5m high side wall, Sludge Removal System for continuous and quick removal function 6 x grow out tank with Ø18m, 1.5m high side wall, CDSS, MBBR combination Woodchip filter system with 2 x particle…
2 x nursery tank with Ø12m, 1.5m high side wall, Sludge Removal System for continuous and quick removal function 4 x grow out tank with Ø18m, 1.5m high side wall, CDSS, MBBR combination Woodchip filter system with 2 x particle…
250m2, 450m3 with 2 x MBBR 42mm3 each Stocking density for fish can reach 50kg/m3 or more. Daily water exchange 10%